night shift


mySleepButton for iOS, version 1.4.12, Available — It Supports Siri Shortcuts

As promised, mySleepButton version 1.4.12 for iOS  has been released with support for Siri Shortcuts. You can now define shortcuts to tell Siri to “put me to sleep”, and it will start playing mySleepButton. This is handy if you’re sleeping alone and want to control mySleepButton without even looking at your iPhone or iPad.


Shedding Some Light on Night Shift in iOS 9.3

Many people are increasingly concerned about the effects on sleep of blue light emitted by smartphones and tablets, particularly since the following publication made headlines last year: Chang, A.-M., Aeschbach, D., Duffy, J. F., & Czeisler, C. A. (2015). Evening use of light-emitting eReaders negatively affects sleep, circadian timing, and next-morning alertness. Proceedings of the

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