

Are the Recent Elections or Upcoming Holidays Interfering with your Sleep?

The recent general elections in the U.S.A. have stressed many people out. Whether the candidates they voted for (or for non-Americans, simply preferred) won in the recent elections or not, many people are reporting that they are feeling very anxious. Some feel that neither presidential candidate or major party is prepared to address their concerns


More Support for the Advantage of CBT for Treating Insomnia

On Wednesday of last week, the journal “SLEEP” published the “longest controlled follow-up of CBT-i thus far.” The report found that CBT-i (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia) “reduced use of sleep medications and other additional insomnia treatments, compared to a control treatment.”  


Shedding Some Light on Night Shift in iOS 9.3

Many people are increasingly concerned about the effects on sleep of blue light emitted by smartphones and tablets, particularly since the following publication made headlines last year: Chang, A.-M., Aeschbach, D., Duffy, J. F., & Czeisler, C. A. (2015). Evening use of light-emitting eReaders negatively affects sleep, circadian timing, and next-morning alertness. Proceedings of the

Mindfulness, Uncategorized

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Insomnia and The Cognitive Shuffle

mySleepButton is designed to help you fall asleep, and return to sleep. As I’ve indicated elsewhere on this site, it can be used in concert with other strategies that promote psychological well-being. In this post, I discuss “acceptance and commitment” concepts and therapy (“ACT”), which also can be helpful for insomnia, and can be used


A New Video About the Cognitive Shuffle

Here’s a new video about the cognitive shuffle. Some ofThings That Keep People Awake Planning, problem-solving, deciding, worrying Ruminating, “racing thoughts” regarding stressors, concerns, issues, goals Thinking/worrying about sleep Trying hard to fall asleep Watching the clock = A vicious cycle Conventional Strategies Used by Insomniacs Don’t Work! For example: Counting sheep Reviewing the day Avoiding thinking about

Announcements, Known Issues, Release notes, Uncategorized

Version 1.0.1, iPad version, and Drawing Mode Issue (Affects Free Packs Only [drawing and scene modes])

A couple of updates for you. Release notes: mySleepButton 1.0.1 Release notes are available here. Known issues with mySleepButton 1.0.1 are documented here. Fix is on the way! If you can’t find the app on the App Store, please follow the instructions here: documented here. That also documents an issue with the free drawing mode and scene packs (issue = you get repeated

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