
Press, Uncategorized

Reconceptualizing insomnia and emotions in terms of insomnolence and perturbance: An interview with Luc P. Beaudoin on Radio-Canada (French)

Dr. Luc Beaudoin, was interviewed by Monique Polloni @ Radio-Canada (BC and Yukon). He discussed insomnolence and perturbance, which are two of his scientific (technical) neologisms and concepts at the heart of his R&D on “insomnia” and “emotions”. The interview was conducted in French. You can listen to it here: Comment lutter contre l’insomnie? (Boulevard du […]


Support for Siri Shortcuts Coming Up in mySleepButton 1.4.12 (iOS)

The next release of mySleepButton for iOS, version 1.4.12, will contain support for Siri Shortcuts. You will be able to tell your iPhone or iPad “put me to sleep” and it will launch or resume mySleepButton’s play. You will also be able to pause or stop mySleepButton. Siri Shortcuts are of course configurable If you’d


Quartz on The Importance of Getting Lots of Sleep

Last year Quartz published an article by Lila MacLellan on mySleepButton: An app that helps you sleep, built on cognitive science. On the 10th of this month, Quartz published You should be sleeping more than eight hours a night. Here’s why . I highly recommend this article. Quartz publishes useful, high caliber articles. It is


Good ‘news’ about Sleep Promotion

Media and researchers alike often focus on the dark side of sleep: that (and why) we don’t get enough sleep, and that sleep deprivation has significant adverse impacts on biological and mental health, well-being, productivity and error rates.  Amongst the many other things sleep researchers study, they also study behaviors and interventions that promote sleep.


Using Wireless Speakers with Audio Apps to Keep Smartphones and Tablets out of the Bedroom

Many sleep experts recommend removing smartphones, tablets, computers and smartwatches from the bedroom. This is primarily because many adults and children cannot resist interacting with such devices if they are nearby. And even if these people don’t use the devices, they might unconsciously be vigilant with respect to the device, which can potentially delay sleep.


On School-aged Children’s Sleep: Some Information for Parents

The week before children even return to school is a good time for parents to remind themselves of the importance of sleep and basics of sleep. It’s a good time also to help their children adjust their sleep routines. This blog post provides a bit of information for parents on children’s sleep, along with some


Editing a mySleepButton Pack Made Her Drowsy

A mySleepButton research assistant has been vetting the content of all our packs, to weed out suboptimal items. She tried working on this in the evenings, but there’s a problem: reviewing mySleepButton items makes her feel drowsy to the point of nodding off! That is, of course, exactly what the Somnolent Information-Processing theory predicts…

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