Announcements, News, Research

Luc Beaudoin and Colleagues Will Present Research Posters at the World Sleep Congress, September 2019

CogSci Apps co-founder and inventor of the cognitive shuffle, Dr. Luc P. Beaudoin, continues his collaborative research on sleep onset and insomnolence. He and his colleagues at Université Laval, Université de Montréal, and Concordia will present the following three posters that all pertain to these topics. They present updates on: The somnolent information processing theory […]

Announcements, News, Press

Francophone Sleep Lovers! Don’t Sleep in on Saturday: Tune into Radio-Canada to Hear Luc Beaudoin Interviewed about Sleep

Luc will be interviewed live on Radio-Canada (CBC Radio French), broadcast throughout Western Canada on Saturday morning at 8:25 AM Pacific. But if you do sleep in you can catch the interview later on podcast or the Radio-Canada website.


Asking Questions About Grief and Limerence to Understand Emotions and Insomnolence

A claim my co-authors and I make in an upcoming paper on sleep onset and insomnia is that perturbant emotion causes insomnolence. This is not to say that perturbance is the sole cause of insomnolence. In fact, our theory proposes five postulates about the evolutionary design of the human sleep onset control system. One of


Book Recommendation — Why We Sleep by Dr. Matthew Walker

Over the last several months, I’ve been too busy doing research and development —including on sleep onset and insomnia —, writing papers, and managing a new product launch, to contribute much to this blog. But the work we are doing will have major benefits for mySleepButton. I wish I could spill the beans, but first


mySleepButton for iOS, version 1.4.12, Available — It Supports Siri Shortcuts

As promised, mySleepButton version 1.4.12 for iOS  has been released with support for Siri Shortcuts. You can now define shortcuts to tell Siri to “put me to sleep”, and it will start playing mySleepButton. This is handy if you’re sleeping alone and want to control mySleepButton without even looking at your iPhone or iPad.


Support for Siri Shortcuts Coming Up in mySleepButton 1.4.12 (iOS)

The next release of mySleepButton for iOS, version 1.4.12, will contain support for Siri Shortcuts. You will be able to tell your iPhone or iPad “put me to sleep” and it will launch or resume mySleepButton’s play. You will also be able to pause or stop mySleepButton. Siri Shortcuts are of course configurable If you’d


Quartz on The Importance of Getting Lots of Sleep

Last year Quartz published an article by Lila MacLellan on mySleepButton: An app that helps you sleep, built on cognitive science. On the 10th of this month, Quartz published You should be sleeping more than eight hours a night. Here’s why . I highly recommend this article. Quartz publishes useful, high caliber articles. It is

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