
Paper in Sleep Theories Book to be Published in Cambridge Handbook of Sleep Models and Theories edited by Daniel Kay

The cognitive shuffle is not just some random technique to facilitate sleep onset. There’s some serious thinking behind it. In fact, it is derived from a theory of sleep onset and insomnolence called “the somnolent information-processing theory”. I first articulated this thinking in a paper simply published on SFU’s Summit archive. in 2013. In 2014 […]


mySleepButton temporarily off Google Play store, coming back soon

mySleepButton is temporarily off the Google Play store. This is to deal with an administrative formality, namely registering a physical address with Google via our DUNS registration. This apparently is an EU requirement. We are working on it. Meanwhile if you’re an Android user wanting mySleepButton, you can try the do-it-yourself approach to the cognitive


The Cognitive Shuffle in New York Times, BBC, etc.

On April 6 of last year, we wrote about the barrage of publicity that Luc P. Beaudoin’s cognitive shuffle technique for insomnolence has been receiving. It’s just continued…. 2024-05-12. Dr. Scott A. Walter published a tiktok video on the cognitive shuffle. As of 2025-03-20, it has received 609k likes, 6358 comments, etc. This led to


The Cognitive Shuffle and mySleepButton Still in the News

The cognitive shuffle and mySleepButton continue to receive glowing testimonials from people around the web. Here is some recent coverage: 2024-01-29, “Self” published 3 Things to Do When You Can’t Fall Asleep Because You’re Overthinking…Everything. 2024-01-24, Stylist published Cognitive shuffling: this sleep-expert approved technique will help you to navigate night-time anxiety, which also appeared in

Press, Research

Pandemic, insomnia and mental perturbance

On Thursday, Dr. Elliot Kyung Lee, medical director of the Sleep Disorder Clinic at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre, and Luc P. Beaudoin were interviewed by Matt Galloway on The Current (CBC, Canada’s national radio) regarding the pandemic, insomnia and mental perturbance. The segmented was about 25 min. long. Beaudoin wrote an article article


Learn to Help Yourself and your Clients: SnoozzZfest Virtual Conference – Oct 23-24

Sleep helps improve the health, wellness, and fitness outcomes of patients and clients! Right? If you agree, then it’s time to learn more about sleep wellness from sleep experts and health and wellness professionals who’ve already integrated sleep into their respective practices! So, we’re pleased to invite you to the SnoozzZfest Virtual Conference – Oct


The Psychology of Covid-19: Is Mental Perturbance Keeping You Awake?

Unsurprisingly, during the Covid era, there have been several reports of people having more difficulty getting to sleep and back to sleep — a state we call “insomnolence” rather than “insomnia”. This tends , formally and informally, to be attributed to “worry”, “repetitive thought”, “racing minds”, “rumination”, “cognitive arousal”. However, none of those concepts are

Announcements, Research

Pre-sleep cognitive activity in adults: a systematic review (Sleep Medicine Reviews journal article)

I’m pleased to announce that our systematic review of the literature on pre-sleep mental activity has been accepted for publication as a Clinical Review by the prestigious, high-impact journal, Sleep Medicine Reviews: Lemyre, A., Belzile, F., Landry, M., Bastien, C., & Beaudoin, L. P. (2020) Pre-sleep cognitive activity: A systematic review.. 50 (1-13). Sleep Medicine

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