So You Couldn’t Fall Asleep or Get Back to Sleep the Other Night…

So there you were the other night, lying in bed trying to fall asleep. But perhaps sleep didn’t come easily to you… Maybe you woke up in the middle of the night and just couldn’t get back to sleep. How might you think (and feel) in order to facilitate sleep?

Sleep onset techniques aren’t widely discussed. Some of what we are taught doesn’t work very well: counting sheep, trying to actively suppress thoughts, etc. Even when we complain about insomnia to our medical doctors, they don’t tend to provide information about how (not) to think in bed.

Today, SharpBrains published some of my thoughts on the subject.

There are more sleep tips on the mySleepButton blog.

If you’re in Denver mid-June, come see our poster presentation at the SLEEP-2016 (a joint meeting of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society).

1 thought on “So You Couldn’t Fall Asleep or Get Back to Sleep the Other Night…”

  1. When you suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, try to remain in the sleep position as movement stimulates your brain as well as the body. If you stay in your sleep position, it will help you to get back to sleep again.

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