One of the reasons why we value sleep is that getting enough sleep is essential to living a productive life. CogSci Apps co-founders, Luc P. Beaudoin and Brian Shi are cognitive productivity experts. Beaudoin has recently published the second installment of his second book on the subject:
Cognitive Productivity with macOS®: 7 Principles for Getting Smarter with Knowledge
This is a Leanpub book, as such it is being published by installments. Beaudoin has published three of the seven principles so far.
Much has been written about “information overload”. Alas, very little popular literature provides SPECIFIC, COGNITIVE SCIENCE-BASED GUIDANCE about how to thrive in the sea of knowledge. Beaudoin’s Cognitive Productivity books fill that void.
Beaudoin’s first Cognitive Productivity book is available on iBookstore and Amazon. It is called Cognitive Productivity: Using Knowledge to Become Profoundly Effective.
Stay tuned for new mySleepButton packs and apps to boost your cognitive productivity!