The poster and abstract for our first contribution to the 2019 World Sleep Congress, Towards an integrative design-oriented theory of sleep-onset and insomnolence from which a new cognitive treatment for insomnolence (serial diverse kinesthetic imagining, a form of cognitive shuffling) is proposed… , are now available from SFU Summit: Item 18922. This is the first of three posters my colleagues and I will present there. This one I will present on Sunday, 2019-09-22.
Beaudoin, L. P., Lemyre, A., Pudlo, M. & Bastien, C. (2019). “Towards an integrative design-oriented theory of sleep-onset and insomnolence from which a new cognitive treatment for insomnolence (serial diverse kinesthetic imagining, a form of cognitive shuffling) is proposed.” Poster to be presented at the World Sleep Congress 2019. Vancouver, BC.
The abstract will also be published in a supplement of Sleep Medicine Journal and available online in December 2019.
NB: This new version of the cognitive shuffle, SDKI, will be presented at the conference for research discussion purposes only, i.e., to communicate and stimulate (a) discussion about the theory and (b) experimental investigation. SDKI is derived from the theory. It has not yet been experimentally tested. Moreover, the poster description is by necessity succinct and incomplete.