About CogSci Apps Corp., makers of mySleepButton

mySleepButton is an invention of CogSci Apps Corp.. CogSci Apps Corp. is a privately held Canadian corporation with headquarters in Metro-Vancouver BC. Our co-founders are Luc P. Beaudoin (Ph.D. Cognitive Science) and Brian Shi.

What makes CogSci Apps Corp. special is that it performs and applies cognitive science in very innovative and targeted ways. Our products are also research tools. We make discoveries about the human mind and we apply them in software. And we love doing this.

Luc has a Ph.D. in Cognitive Science from the University of Birmigham in England (School of Computer Science), where he was a Commonwealth Scholar, with additional NSERC and FCAR scholarships. He studied there and at Sussex University with many of the top Cognitive Scientists in Europe. He is also the author of Cognitive Productivity: The Art and Science of Using Knowledge to Become Profoundly Effective and an Adjunct Professor of Education. Luc is also founder of CogZest, which provides cognitive science-based training and publications. You can read his bio on CogZest.com.

While this is our first commercially released app, we have been doing R&D on cognitive productivity software for several years (as CogZest), previously at Simon Fraser University (2002-2009) on Prof. Phil Winne’s Learning Kit and nStudy R&D projects, and as part of the “Lakatosh” project (2001-2002). We have more innovations in store for you.

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